
Roots in the Sky - The Hand of Glory 2

Created by Madit Entertainment & Daring Touch

A new epic journey around the world, Roots in the Sky is the sequel to the acclaimed point & click adventure The Hand of Glory!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update #12: Summer update!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 05, 2023 at 08:39:56 AM

Hello dear friends and backers!
Here we are again with a new, anticipated update!

In the summertime, when the weather is high

So, did everyone have a nice summer vacation? We certainly did! Of course, we went to the seaside, ate a lot of unhealthy but satisfying food, and met a lot of wonderful people (some of whom will definitely inspire some of our future characters)!

 But it wasn't just fun. It never truly is for us, because wherever we go, we try to look for new inspiration for our games. In that regard, this year was fantastic, and we visited some really cool places around Europe. Portugal, be warned: we're looking at you!  

Stefano paying homage to Vasco da Gama

Anyway, summer's over (at least, our vacation is), so it's time to get back to work!

New section progress with a cool new mechanic

We've already discussed the additional part we added for Lars in Rome, but it's time to provide you with more details about it. In this new section, Lars will need to investigate a motel in the suburbs of Rome, attempting to gather information about the man who was murdered right in front of him (don't know what we're talking about? We have a free demo on our Steam page!). We wanted to make this section distinctive in some way, and Carlo came up with this great idea: a custom interface where the player will collect clues and logically connect them in order to determine which room belongs to our man.

Collect clues and use them to locate your man!

Everything you see in this image is a work in progress, but it should give you an idea of what we have in mind! At the moment, we are considering using this interface again later in the game. You might be thinking, 'Isn't the game design supposed to be finalized?' It should be, but that's the beauty of being an indie developer: you can continually incorporate new ideas and features to make the game even better than originally planned!

Shout-out to the greatest of them all: Revolution Software!

You all read the news, didn't you? We surely did, and we've been overwhelmed with joy ever since: Broken Sword is back!

 Not only are we getting a brand new chapter, 'Broken Sword – Parzival's Stone,' but Revolution is also remastering the very first game in the series, 'Broken Sword – The Shadow of the Templars,' with stunning new high-definition visuals! And that's not all, because our hero Charles Cecil has already stated that if this initial remaster sells well, we'll also receive the same treatment for 'The Smoking Mirror.' Folks, we want it. We really, REALLY, REALLY want it!

So make sure to add both games to your wishlist, and buy them on day one! Don't let us down! 

Time to reforge an old sword while forging a new one

Broken Sword - Parzival's Stone Steam Page

Broken Sword - Shadow of the Templars: Reforged

The following months

In the following months we'll constantly keep you up to date with our work on the game. During September we'll also unlock the private discord server for our “executive producers” backers, so if you're one of them, you can expect to receive an email from us pretty soon! And even if you're not, you can always follow us on our socials!

That's it for this update. See you soon, space cowboys!
 Viva l'avventura!

Update #11: Surveys, THOG keys and Pre-order store incoming!
over 1 year ago – Thu, May 04, 2023 at 01:58:04 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Update #10: One journey ends, one journey begins
over 1 year ago – Wed, Mar 01, 2023 at 10:14:39 AM

Hi, folks!

Here we are, the end of the line for this Kickstarter campaign.
What a journey it was, wasn't it? We met new friends and got the help of old ones, we saw familiar faces and names, and we even had returning backers as NPCs (which is going to be EXTREMELY interesting and funny). But the family also grew bigger, and we think this is even more important than the money we collected: we are slowing building a strong community, and you're a part of it.

Thanks to you not only this game will be a reality, but we will also be able to add a lot of extra stuff and raise the bar to a higher level. Guys, we don't know what else to say, other than a simple thank you.

Now it's already time to think about the future. We're going to take a few days off to recharge our debilitated brains, and then we'll get back to development!

In the meanwhile we will also set up a Backerkit page where people will still be able to join our Kickstarter, which means we can still reach other Stretch Goals. In that case, we'll write an update and let you all know!

One last thing: please, don't forget to charge your credit card, because Kickstarter will try to collect the money you pledged in the following days, and your contribution will be cancelled if the system can't retrieve the amount that you specified!

To the next update, everyone!

Un messaggio ai nostri backer italiani

Cari amici italiani, pensiamo sia il caso di dedicarvi uno spazio, in quest'ultimo update. In questa campagna abbiamo avuto il supporto di tanti nostri connazionali, tante condivisioni, tante parole di incoraggiamento, e per noi è importantissimo sentire il sostegno del nostro paese.

Volevamo farvi sapere che teniamo alla nostra community italiana (motivo per cui pubblichiamo e pubblicheremo sempre ogni post social anche nella nostra splendida lingua) e che, anche se quando lavoriamo ci consideriamo dei cittadini del mondo, sentiamo sempre un fuoco diverso quando è l'Italia a rispondere ai nostri richiami.

Grazie di cuore da parte di tutto lo staff. Speriamo di incontrarvi presto in qualche fiera, evento, o anche semplicemente per strada!

Al prossimo update!

Update #9: Like Climbing Mount Everest
over 1 year ago – Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 09:06:58 AM

24 hours left! And we can still reach a few Stretch Goals! 

We're very close to reach the Easter Eggs Stretch Goal and we couldn't be happier than this!

No, wait, actually... we could!

We could reach that, and then we could also unlock the Enhanced Edition of the game! Now, you may wondering what we mean with this Stretch Goal. It's pretty simple:

  • More animations: we'll try to reach the high standard set back in 1997 by Revolution Software with Broken Sword 2. Every single action the characters will perform will have a specific animation. No more generic animations, no black screen to hide complex moments!
  • More cinematics: there are a few sequences in the game that could really be improved with extra cutscenes, rather than the normal in-game graphic. We had a lot of cinematics in the first game, but they're expensive. Well, with this Stretch Goal, we'll break this wall down as well!
  • More music: Carlos has got tons of ideas for the exotic locations we'll get to visit in the game, but unfortunately we can't accept them all with our current budget. Let's give Carlos the power to add about 20 minutes of extra music and make the game even more special!

New scenes in progress!

You don't think we're only working on the Kickstarter campaign at the moment, do you? We admit it, it's hard to concentrate in this moment, but there's nothing that can stop us from developing this game!

And we promised you some extra scenes with the first two Stretch Goals, so here we are. While Anton is secretly working on a mysterious temple, Stefano has been working on this external scene set in Rome. This is what Lars' new apartment looks like from the outside, and it's something we're very happy to have in the game both because we'll add extra elements and because we'll be able to tell you more about Lars' life in Rome!

Here's a sneak peak at the new scene:

An insight into Lars' life in Rome

The Final Walk

Don't you feel like we've been climbing Everest for the last weeks?

You know how it is: the first part of the climbing is easier, with your lungs full of oxygen and all your strength, than it gets tougher. You're gasping for air, your legs are shaking.

But eventually you spot the peak of the mountain. And all your strength, all the oxygen, all your determination, they all come back.

That's where we are, right now. We're looking at the peak of the mountain.

Let's go for the final walk, everyone! We can reach that peak all together!

Update #8: The Final Week!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 10:13:37 AM


Wear your scarf and gloves, as we're leaving for the last part of this journey and we need all the help we can get!

We currently have almost 350 backers, which is a small army that can create a wave if we all act together! Remember that all the Stretch Goals we will unlock will be available for every one of you!

Big Boxes

At the moment we're writing this update there are a few Special Collector's Big Box left: only 3 copies for this super-limited (only 20 copies), numbered and never-to-be-reprinted-again Big Box filled with goodies and containing both games! If you know some collectors who might be interested in this kind of reward, please let them know!

Of course there's also the normal Big Box of the game still available, which may not be limited or numbered but it's as cool as it can get nonetheless!

Normal or Limited? Which one will you choose?


We want as many of you as possible to join us inside the game! Remember that you can upgrade your pledge and add this funny and unique add-on. Only 25€ and your name will be carved forever in our story, with a text message sent to Lars' mobile phone. Write to that scoundrel and let him know what you really think of his scarf!

Streamers, Twitchers & Co.

During these past few weeks we tried to contact many streamers asking them to play Roots in the Sky in their channels, and some of them actually answered us, but we feel we might really receive a huge boost with some more coverage! If you know streamers that you think might like our game, just let them know! We're especially looking for French or Spanish streamers, as we'd love to create more awareness in those countries and try to reach the Stretch Goal for the subtitles in their languages!

Projects we love #3: The Will of Arthur Flabbington

Here's another cool project we'd like for you to take a look at!

Clean and colourful graphics, challenging but logical puzzles, and Tom Hardwidge (developer of Lucy Dreaming) involved as a voice actor!

"The Will of Arthur Flabbington is an upcoming comedy point and click adventure game by Gugames. Its development is almost complete and the game is expected to come out around June 2023, but the author needs your help to make the game fully voiced!"

Support the project NOW! 

One Last Effort

That's it for this update.
Let's use all the resources at our disposal and hit those Stretch Goals, everyone!

Together we can do this!

See you next time!