
Roots in the Sky - The Hand of Glory 2

Created by Madit Entertainment & Daring Touch

A new epic journey around the world, Roots in the Sky is the sequel to the acclaimed point & click adventure The Hand of Glory!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update #7: Of Rabbits and Painted Eggs
over 1 year ago – Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 11:25:29 AM

We're happy to tell you that Roots in the Sky will now be bigger, thanks to everyone of you who helped us reach our second Stretch Goal

Alice will need to wear her diving suit in order to reach an ancient submerged pyramid and discover its secrets. Is it a real pyramid? Is it a natural formation?

We can't answer that yet, but we can promise you it's going to be a mysterious and tense situation!

Is it Easter already?

Although we're very happy with the result of the campaign so far, it's not time to celebrate yet. We still have about 13 days to make the game even better!

Next Stretch Goal: Easter Eggs!

Be honest: every time you replay Broken Sword 2 you skip the pyramid riddle using THAT Easter Egg (you know what we're talking about, don't you?) And are you telling us you've never turned Gabriel into a helicopter? Or pushed Rincewind to be the first fictional character in an adventure game to utter a F-bomb in the middle of the game?

Are you an Easter Egg hunter?

We could go on an on, because let's admit it: Easter Eggs in adventure games have always been a great addition. We knew it back then when we developed The Hand of Glory, and of course we FILLED the game with them!

UFO sightings, paradoxes, talking paintings asking for information about Voodoo, and many others, each one with specific animations or music!

With this Stretch Goal we want to have the power to add some fun, that's it. Let us come up with weird stuff, extra cutscenes, precioussss references and so on!

Come on, everyone, let's smash this one as well!

Projects We Love #2: Scene Investigators

From EQ studios, the developers of the brilliant The Painscreek Killings (check the rating they have on Steam if you don't believe us), comes another compelling investigative experience!

“Scene Investigators is a deductive reasoning game for fans of the 'true crime' genre. Step into re-created crime scenes, observe closely for pieces of evidence, analyze possible motives behind the crimes, and uncover what truly happened”

Their Kickstarter Campaign has already hit their main goal, but you can still show them your support and help them reach some Stretch Goals! 

To the next update!

Update #6: This is what we call SPAM!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 10:18:42 AM

Everyone, today we reached another huge milestone: more than 300 backers decided to join us on this crazy, incredible journey!

So far, things have gone better than we could hope for and, if we can keep this momentum, we really might be able to unlock all the Stretch Goals, including extra subtitles in Spanish and French!

We still have a few tricks up our sleeve, but we'll leave that for our next update. As for now, we want to talk about one of our add-ons!


You want to become a part of Roots in the Sky, but Part of the Cast is too expensive?*

*(by the way, it's almost sold out)

You were considering Newsworthy, but you have no idea what article you could write?**

**(by the way, you could leave the creative part to us and we'd come up with something BRILLIANT for you)

Well, fear not, because we have another chance for you to appear in the game! But as it is much easier to show you rather than tell you, here's a freshly baked, delicious and piping hot video!

That's right: your name will appear in the game, and you'll be able to unleash your imagination and write something, anything (with our supervision, of course) to our bold detective!

It's cheap!
It's funny!
And yes... it's spam!

To the next update!

Update #5: First Stretch Goal Unlocked + Social Stretch Goals Announced!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Feb 08, 2023 at 06:55:37 AM

We barely published the Stretch Goals update and we've already unlocked the first one!

As a result, Lars is going to follow another lead that will help him identify the murderer, and you will play a totally new section filled with puzzles, locations and characters.

Day and night, justice never sleeps!

Now let's try and keep up the momentum: we're looking at you, ancient and mysterious submerged pyramid. We're going to reach you at 15.000€!

Introducing Social Stretch Goals

Now, we've entered that part of the campaign when the initial momentum has weakened. We're still getting new backers everyday, but we can do better, especially as far as Spanish and French players go. But we don't want to just keep asking you to share our campaign, not without rewarding your efforts: that's why we're adding Social Stretch Goals!

Yep, that's exactly what you think: just help us spread the word around on your social networks, sharing our pinned posts both on Twitter or on Facebook, and we'll unlock extra stuff!

We'll be honest: we took inspiration from the horse armour from Return to Monkey Island. In our case, though, you'll be able to use both items to unlock some extra funny dialogues or unexpected interactions (and achievements)!

Here's the links to the posts you should share:



To the next update, everyone!

Let's stretch it out!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Feb 07, 2023 at 03:28:49 AM

Time to dive deep into our Stretch Goals, everyone!

If you have played the demo, you already know that Lars will need to track down a killer as soon as he can. In order to do this, he will have to follow a series of leads and collect clues that will help him identify the murderer and find out the real identity of the victim.

Finding the murderer won't be easy!

If this Stretch Goal is unlocked (and we're almost there already), we will add another lead for Lars to follow, with a series of extra puzzles, characters and locations. We have a few cool ideas for this section!

Ahhh, this is our favourite one!

Many of you who played The Hand of Glory told us they loved playing as Alice Sharp, our brave and determined intern. For this second episode not only we want to expand her role, but we'd also love to give her some very special moments that players will remember.

This underwater part would be inspired by the Yonaguni monument, a mysterious submerged rock formation in Japan.

Ominous, but fascinating!

We still don't know if this structure is a natural formation or an actual pyramid built who knows when by an ancient civilization. But it's so cool we had to write something about it!

Did you find them all in the first game? We doubt that, because they were A LOT!

Mysterious sightings, references to other games, talking paintings, there was something for every taste!

I'm Lazarus... *giggle*... Lazarus Bundy!

The weirdest stuff in the world is going to happen in Roots in the Sky, should we unlock this Stretch Goal. Funny stuff for everybody, a joy for the completist (imagine all those extra Achievements)!

As you know, in this second game we will visit even more (and more exotic) locations than the first one. We'd love to be able to record a lot of additional music to fill these locations with sounds that truly reflect them.

Plus, what about some additional cinematics? They're cool, aren't they? But the problem is: they cost time and money! Give us an additional help to improve the game with more of these cutscenes!

Also, our wildest dream is to develop a game without a single generic animation. Think about Broken Sword 2 and the incredibly high standard they set back then.

So many unique animations for a game!

Every single action performed by George or Nico was accompanied by a specific animation! Every remaining fund will be used for this noble and crazy crusade.

This last (for now) Stretch Goal is dedicated to all the Spanish and French fans that kept on asking for subtitles during these past few years: friends, we really want to reach you, the problem is we don't have enough money!

      We know that the road to 20k is long, but we can do it. No, seriously, we raised 12k in 5 days, we can STATISTICALLY do it! Just help us spread the word around in your local communities, forums, Telegram groups, Discord servers, maybe ask your favourite streamers to play our demo on their channels! Let's invade the Internet, everyone!

Another Kickstarter campaign you want to check: Death Corp!

Guys, this one's just started and it's already smashing it!

"Art is a young college graduate looking for his first serious job. After a series of unsuccessful interviews, the Grim Reaper itself materializes in front of Art's eyes and, impressed by the young man's skills, offers him a job as an intern at his own company, Death Corp.

Meet tons of ridiculous characters, harvest the souls of those who recently passed away and, sometimes, push forward fate by solving outrageous and hilarious puzzles." 

From Alberto Costa, the artist behind Justin Wack and the Big Time Hack!

Check this project here: 

To the next update!

Update #3: WE DID IT!!!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Feb 04, 2023 at 08:18:17 AM

100% funded in 5 days!

We can hardly believe it, but WE ALREADY DID IT!

We're having trouble writing this update, right now. We didn't see this coming, not SO soon, not with all this participation and enthusiasm.

From the bottom of our adventurous hearts, we want to thank each and every one of you for supporting us, for spreading our campaign around the Internet, for all the comments and suggestions.

Stretch Goals

And with the basic goal already being reached, it's time to think about Stretch Goals!

You can already have a first look at them right at the top of our page. We'll go into more details very very soon, but in the meanwhile let us know what you think about them in the comments!

We're in for the adventure of our lifetime, everyone!